Apnea Academy International Instructor Course 2022
Reserve your place for the next Apnea Academy Instructor Course in Tenerife
16/10/2022 – 22/10/2022
Apnea Academy WEst Europe
La Caleta de Adeje – South of Tenerife – Canary Islands
Course Language
Umberto Pelizzari
Paco Gonzalez and others professionals from the whole world

Necessary info for the course
If you have further questions do not do not hesitate to contact us at info@apneaacademywe.com
For registration write to umberto@umbertopelizzari.com
Minimum requirements for admission to the course
To be admitted to the course the candidate must be able to perform perfectly all exercises included in the Manual of Freediving (Idelson & Gnocchi), and be capable of:
For the Instructor Course, we suggest to the candidates Hotel Hovima Jardin Caleta ( https://www.hovima-hotels.com/en/hotels-in-tenerife/hovima-jardin-caleta.html) because it’s cheap and very close to the Apnea Center and T3, for contact and reserve your accomodation you can call directly Srta. Heike from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 17.00, she can help you with the reservation and offer you the best price.
If you have other question about services in the place, equipment or any other doubts, contact Paco Gonzalez Castro at info@apneaacademywe.com or send a WhatsApp at +34 652 19 62 19
In any case, anybody is free to go where he prefers.
Course topics
The Instructor Course will address topics of relaxation, breathing, physiology of respiratory and ear systems, diet, techniques of communication, teaching methods, psychology and group control, with lectures given by expert specialists in each field.
Furthermore the AA teaching system, its standards, and the sequence of exercises will be discussed.
Theory of Static and Dynamic apnea, Constant and Variable Weight freediving will be treated.
Practical exercises will include techniques of breathing and relaxation at the various levels, group control in pool and sea.
All students will be filmed in order to analyze their technique.
The course places emphasis on the formation of an instructor as much as the development of their technique and performance.
For all sea sessions will be used the AA West Europe Freediving Center located at La Caleta.
8 minutes walking from the Apnea Center, the Tenerife Top Training Center ( www.tenerifetoptraining.com ) will host all pool sessions, theory lessons, breathing and relaxation sessions.